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Cosmos can be defined as a complex and orderly system, such as our Universe; the opposite of Chaos. It is the Universe regarded as an ordered system. The philosopher Pythagoras is regarded as the first person to apply the term cosmos (Greek κόσμος) to the order of the Universe.

En su sentido mбs general un Cosmo es un sistema ordenado y armonioso. Se origina del tйrmino griego "κόσμος", que significa orden u ornamentos, y es la antнtesis del Caos. Se le suele utilizar como sinуnimo de Universo (considerando el orden que йste posee).

A study by Yale astronomer Pieter van Dokkum just took the estimated number of stars in the universe - 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (10 23 ), or 100 sextillion - and tripled it.

The observable Universe contains approximately 300 sextillion (3 Ч 10 23 ) stars ( The Fundamentals of Modern Astrophysics ) and more than 100 billion (10 11 ) galaxies. Typical galaxies range from dwarfs with as few as ten million (10 7 ) stars

up to giants with one trillion (10 12 ) stars.

- Astrosciences - Exploring The Mysteries Of The Universe

- Canciones del Lejano Universo - El Sonido de una Explosiуn de Rayos-Gama Fermi

- Discovery of a Massive Supercluster System at ȥ

- Electric Spheres - Globular Clusters Around The Milky Way

- El Paso del Cambio - їQuй Estб Pasando y Quй Va A Pasar?

- Far Distance Run Around - Redshift Theory Inhibits New Research Into The Age and Size of The Universe

- Galactic Center Survey - Chandra Takes In The Bright Lights, Big City of The Milky Way

- Mercury Update - Data from The MESSENGER Probe

- Mysterious Spot on Uranus - Something Has Exploded In a Spectacular Fashion

- Nox Aeterna - Do So-Called "Accretion Disks" Around Presumptive Black Holes Generate Gamma-Rays?

- Son of Zeus - Messenger Spacecraft's Scientific Mission on Mercury

- Stellar Metamorphosis - An Alternative for the Star Sciences

- Stellar Shedding - Some Stars Shed Their Atmospheres at A Furious Rate

- The Dragon's Den - Saturn's Atmosphere Erupts in Spectacular Fashion

- The Dust of Creeds Outworn - Collapsed Stars, Exploding Stars, Windy Stars, and Dusty Stars Call for.

- The Electric Wind of Venus - A Global and Persistent 'Polar Wind' like Ambipolar Electric Field sufficient.

- The Passage of Change - What is Happening and What is Going to Happen?

- The Structure of Our Universe - An Introduction to the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix

- A High Stellar Velocity Dispersion and

100 Globular Clusters for the Ultra Diffuse Galaxy Dragonfly 44